
Rock Steady is the first Manga about Rock. Rock Steady is an action/adventure manga On the fan page you can read a One Shot as well as the first volume of the manga before you decide on backing our franchise. our updates will be posted on there regularly so be sure to give the page a like. W’eve also accumulated an impressive amount of written works over the years down to a T so there will be things that will be unique to this era.

On the left there is a like button that will direct you to our Facebook site that will allow you to keep in contact with the Rock Steady staff as well as keep in touch with other Rock Steady enthusiasts. We are an organization that hopes to receive backing from you to help expand our manga into a global franchise. With your help not only will there be a new popular fan base that is utterly timeless but we have the opportunity to move forward into a generation that will know quality anime. Right now overseas there is a problem in bringing American made merchandise into the state, and with the way the economy is going right now it would only make sense to purchase within the state right? So why not trust your share with us? Rock Steady!
We are a group of writers of a book titled Rock Steady. Rock Steady is an action/adventure novel about music and its role in the world.The people within the world fight each other using instruments to become the god of the universe.
The concept name of Rock Steady manifests exactly what it means in every way conceivable because it is a group of individuals that have united to better the children and people of society through our novel about Rock and how music is progressing. In our history of being established we had begun producing merchandise for the community and with our knowledge of anime intertwined with our talents in multitasking we created something worthy of taking over the genre as a whole.

The goals we have for this organization stretch beyond what people can imagine in their figmentation from what we can tell. Since people don’t have quite a realization of how far they can reach with what they have not yet seen they become skeptics to what’s abstract to their perspective and prefer to stay with the standard way of living instead of adjusting their lives to forge new bonds towards new and exceptional results. My goal is to endow people with ideas similar to mine with the hope of shining light upon their normal way of life to change their situations for the better in order for them to grow as well. Now that we have proceeded relatively quickly now we aspire to have our work released to others in hope of getting admiration and to help the people in need.

How To Purchase Rock Steady

We’ve just completely finished a complete series of our Manga that is now ready for purchase. I will direct you on what steps you need to take in order for your purchase to be shipped to you in a timely manner.  The concept name of Rock Steady manifests exactly what it means in every way mainly because it is a group of individuals that have united to better the children and people of society through our novel. If your interested in purchasing the Rock Steady Trilogy click on the following link

Rock Steady Manga Coming Soon!

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